Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cedar City

Levi and I went down to Cedar City Utah a couple weekends ago, and although I didn't take too many pictures, you can get the idea of how beautiful this area was.

This is SUU's famous Shakspear Stage where they put on their festival every year.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gone Shootin..

Levi and I are going to Atlanta this summer to go sell pest control. The company has been taking the boys to do all these fun things to get them to bond. A couple weeks ago we went shooting...we tend to do that alot...haha here is what I captured of that day!

There's Some of the crew getting ready!

She was kicking tail and I just how awesome she looked!!

Animal Tracks!!!

There's the cute husband :D

You go Babe!

I will be a GREAT Photographer...One Day

Here is my very first shoot...ha I know I am going to look back on this once I know more about photography and laugh...but Hey! We all have to Start somewhere :) Here's to a good laugh! Enjoy!

It was WAY fun, and a good learning experience...if you don't mind me experimenting on you, comment and we'll get together! One day I will be good at this :)

We Did It!

Levi Finally came home and we finally got married! Here our the Pictures :)